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Getting Started with Jetson Nano Today, I would like to share how to set up Jetson Nano. Reference: Nvidia Site https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#intro Here is pre-requisite materials. 1. A micro-SD card (minimum 16GB / Recommended >32GB) 2. Power supply 3. An ethernet cable 4. Keyboard and Mouse (USB Type) Step1. Download SD Card Image zip file. 1-1. Go to the https://developer.nvidia.c.. 2019. 10. 25.
[Nexys4DDR 프로젝트] SPI Interface (SPI 통신) 안녕하세요. VeriLog입니다. 오늘은 Verilog를 사용해서, SPI 모듈을 설계해보겠습니다. SPI 통신은 Serial 통신의 한 종류로, 최근에 많이 사용되는 방법입니다. SPI는 간단하면서 UART보다 빠르게 통신할 수 있는 방법입니다. SPI의 특징을 간단하게 살펴보면 아래와 같습니다. - 대게 UART보다 빠른 통신을 지원한다. (MHz 단위) - 전이중 방식 통신 (Tx, Rx를 동시에 수행할 수 있다) - 여러 Slave를 가질 수 있다. - 포트: - Serial Clock (SCLK) - Master Out Slave In (MOSI, or SDO) - Master In Slave Out (MISO, or SDI) - Chip Select (CS', or CE') 이번 포스팅에서는 .. 2019. 5. 18.
[Nexys4 DDR프로젝트] Frequency Counter of Periodic Signals Frequency Counter of Periodic Signal with FPGA board Board: Nexys4 DDR pmod Module: Pmod AD1 (AD7476A) Frequency Range: 5Hz ~ 500kHz Amplitude Range: 0V ~ 3.3V This Frequency Counter is able to count periodic signals such as PWM, Sine, and Triangular. AD1 Module communicates with FPGA via SPI Interfaces and this project is designed by using Verilog. It was developed by SeonTaek Oh, Jan Park unde.. 2019. 5. 12.
[Nexys4 DDR프로젝트] Function Generator Function Generator with FPGA board Board: Nexys4 DDR pmod Module: Pmod DA4 (AD5628) This Function Generator generates not only PWM, but also Triangular, Sawtooth and SIne waves. It can change Frequency, Duty Ratio, Amplitude of output signal. Output signal is selected by PC through UART Communication. It was developed by SeonTaek Oh, Jan Park under the supervision of Prof. Young-Keun Kim, for a .. 2019. 4. 15.